Great Craps Rolls

Long Rolls in Craps Are Great, But Can You Wait Long Enough. Othing else in a casino even comes near the exhilaration of a long roll at craps. Players 'lock-up' enough money on the first few hits to ensure a profit on the shooter, then use the proceeds to 'press' their wagers upward while also covering more numbers. It was an amazing roll, by the far the most I ever won at one craps session (it almost doubled my last record, which was about $650), so I figured my fellow craps players may have wanted to hear about it. Just icing on the cake on what was an amazingly great trip- blackjack was also very kind to me throughout the two days.

There is a very popular game in casinos – Craps, and the Craps Rules must be understood to play the game. The rules are actually quite simple, the odds of winning and betting strategies take a lot longer time to master – if it can ever actually be mastered because luck still has an overwhelming influence in this game. This is a very popular game because it requires minimal equipment – just a pair of dice is all that is really needed, but casinos have built specific tables for this very exciting game.


Before getting into the rules, there are several terms that new players need to understand:

Shooter – the person rolling the dice
Come Out Roll – the total of the dice when rolled the first time
Point – the number set by the “Come Out Roll”
Craps – the roll of two, three, or twelve, which loses all bets
Natural – the roll of seven or eleven on a “Come Out Roll” which wins
Pass Bet – betting that the shooter throws a point or natural
Don’t Pass Line Bet – bets the shooter won’t throw the point or natural
Pass Line – the place where the bets are placed
Stickman – proclaims the roll of the dice and directs the winnings to the appropriate players
Dealer – collects the bets from the players and pays the winners
Boxman – exchanges the money for chips, and exchanges the small valued chips for larger values

How the Game is Played

The game begins when the players place their bets. The “shooter” is chosen and rolls the dice, which establishes the “Come Out Roll”. This is done each time a new game is started when the prior shooter doesn’t throw the dice that makes a Point or actually loses and shoots craps.

The shooter rolls the dice and, for example, rolls a three and a two, making the “Point” a five – the total of the dice. A marker is placed on the table’s number five. Now the challenge, the “shooter” must roll a five again before they roll a seven. If the shooter rolls a five before rolling a seven, then they win. When they win, the shooter rolls again in order to start another “Come Out Roll”. If they roll the point number before they roll the seven, they win, if they roll a seven before the point number they lose. If you roll any other number, other than “Craps”, they keep rolling until they roll the point number before they roll the seven.

If the “Come Out Roll’s is a seven or an 11, it is a “Natural”, and results in a winning bet for players who have placed their money on the “Pass Line”. Players who have placed their money on the “Don’t Pass Line” would lose their bets. The shooter rolls again until a “Point” is thrown.

If the “shooter” continues to playa and rolls a two, three, or twelve they have shot “Craps” and lost.

The Craps Rules are simple and makes this game great fun drawing the noisiest and most enthusiastic players.

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Great Craps Rolls
I'm sure this thread has been made before, but let's all discuss our best rolls. I just missed out on an hour and twenty minute roll the other day, where the shooter made 16 points before getting a 7. It got me thinking what my odds are of seeing such a roll in my lifetime, and dreaming of that monster roll that always eludes me.
My personal best roll was probably about 30 minutes. I hit about 8 sixes and 8 eights, but it was my first time at a craps table and I was only betting the pass, so I didn't profit much at all. I've been getting killed at the tables and need some happy stories to inspire me to keep going, so any stories about monster rolls you've had/seen would be appreciated.
Today at lunch I did some super fast random rolling and took $12 to $237. I have to admit it was a comeback and not a huge win, but I did come out ahead.
The first half of the OP in that thread describes mine.
Anybody with a big roll should try to make note of how many passes he made as well as how many rolls before 7-out [both things if you can].
Just how many minutes, meh... that might not mean much at a busy table.
As for my best, 4 passes and an unknown number of total rolls before 7-out, so I can't inspire you [although I am happy when any shooter does that!] .

Great Craps Rolls Slot Machine

I have been at the table when the shooter has made about 6 passes and rolled so long and so many yo's and 12s than normal that those type bettors, including the field, were ecstatic.
As you can see, I can't be precise either. I plan to be at Harrington sometime next week and there is a daily contest for most rolls before 7-out, 'Monster Roll Craps'. So they ought to be showing rolls for each player and I can count the passes too. I think you've inspired me to make a note of passes in future, any contest or not.
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!” She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
I just got off of a killer roll last night between 1:10a.m. and 2:40 a.m. at Wheeling Island Hotel Casino and Racetrack. I've been gambling less to protect cash because I want to pay mostly cash for my wife's college-related stuff, so I only bought in for $45 and here's what happened:
My first session went fair, but nothing too special. I was betting $5 on the PL with 2x Odds because that is the most Odds they allow. I may or may not have been betting $1.00 on the Fire Bet...don't tell The Wiz!!!
Come-Out Roll Set: 3-4
Point Established Set: Hard-Six
In any event, I established a point of four on my very first roll and made the point about five rolls later, I hit nothing but point numbers during this time. The next Come Out roll saw me establishing a point of eight which I took Odds on and made three rolls later. The following roll saw me establish a point of six which I made approximately ten rolls later. After that, I threw a Craps Three on the CO, and then established a point of Six, but sevened-out about fifteen rolls later.
In total, I went +$25, +$17, +$17, -$5, -$15 for a net gain of +$39. I made two PL Dealer Bets of $2 each during this time, and the Dealers won on both of those, so they were +$8.
I now had $80 in chips and decided to play Three-Card Poker because, I don't know why. I sat at first base and was kind of trying to hole-card, but either the dealer was pretty good or I have no goddamn idea how to hole-card, could be both. In any event, I was betting $5 on the Ante and got dealt A-K-x on my first hand, but the dealer beat me with a pair. The following hand, I got dealt K-Q-6, but the dealer (again) beat me with a pair. I was down to $60 in chips and a little bit irritated, but then I had hands good enough to play three times in a row, but the dealer never qualified, so I was back up to $75. I then played another hand in which I had K-Q-x, but the dealer beat me with an Ace.
At that point, I was back to $65 in Chips, and so I decided that Three Card Poker sucks and tipped the dealer $5.00 and quit playing. I now had $60 in chips.
I went back to the Craps Table thinking that I might still have a little left in the old hand, besides, Roulette was full and that's what I really wanted to play. This session could have been something special, but it wasn't to be. There was a guy about my age named Nick shooting with me and he had already established/made a point into the Fire Bet, but wasn't on it. He decided to Pass the Dice over to me.
By the way, at Wheeling Island, you're allowed to play the Fire Bet and nothing else if you like. I did that during one of Nick's rolls because I wanted to go get a cup of coffee, but that's the third Craps session...
Back to the second.
In my second Craps Session, I played PL with the 2x Odds again and established a point of Nine which was made almost immediately. I then established and made three more points (so it would have been a five point Fire Bet), but Nick didn't have the fire bet going when he starting shooting. Bummer. In fact, I established and made every point that Nick didn't except for Five and he had made Four.
After that happened, I established a point of six again, but sevened-out after about fifteen rolls.
I ended up +34 between my points of 6+8, then I ended up +$20 on my point of 9, and +$25 on my point of 10. That was a total of +$79, except I threw three Come Out losers at various times (Midnight, Snake Eyes, Three) and one Come Out Winner (Yo') for -$10 there. I also made four $2 PL Dealer Bets with 2x Odds so that was -$24. Overall, I ended up +$45 during this time. The Dealers won three of them, so I want to say they were about +$39.
Nick then proceeded to fire off two Seven-Winners in a row, then he established and made two points, then established the Six again and Sevened-Out. I ended up +$15 during this time because I wasn't Taking the Odds when Nick was shooting. I apologized to him, but stated that I only Take the Odds when I am shooting. I was now +$60 during my second session.
I got the dice again and threw two Seven-Winners. I followed that up by establishing and missing Eight, but the Craps Gods had smiled upon me as I had forgotten to put my Odds Bet out there. I tossed the Dealers the Red from one of the Seven-Winners and said, 'For the boys.' I now had $120 in chips.
I had quit the second time because there was space at the Roulette Table, it went from full down to three people out of nowhere. I asked for Twenty White and proceeded to play each corner of Black-29 as well as a Straight Bet on Black-29. I lost three in a row and must have been really pissed off because I forgot to tip the Croupier and went back to Craps. I now had $105 in chips.
I don't know what happened in the brief time I was playing Roulette, but a despondent Nick had clearly taken a beating, though he said my exclaimations and attitude really brought his spirits up. I don't care about the small sums of money involved in Craps, I just like to win on principle alone, so I get pretty vocal.
In any event, I Placed Nick's Point to Win, but I don't remember what it was or how much I won, so I'm not going to include that, besides that, after that happened I asked for the Placed Money back as well as the Win, then I put $5 on a PL bet and Nick threw Snake Eyes, then established and missed a point, so all of that pretty much negated.
I then went on the hand of my life for the second time this year. I made my $1 Fire Bet and my $5 PL Bet. I started out pretty well establishing a Point of Nine and making it in about Seven rolls. I then established and made a Point of Four in about another Ten rolls. I then threw Midnight followed by Snake Eyes, so I lost on those rolls. I then established and made a Point of Six in twenty rolls (I remember that one) and hit about fifteen Point Numbers in the process. The Dealers kept trying to encourage Nick to make a few Place Bets with what he had left. After that, I established a Point of Four again (ugh!) but I made it within eight rolls!!! I then established a Point of Eight and made it within a few rolls. WINNING FIRE BET-FOUR POINTS!!!
I then established a Point of Five, (which would have been the Fifth Point of the Fire Bet) and I must've gotten pretty excited because I tossed both of the dice over the Table. 'Same dice, same dice, same dice!!!', I called out, 'I'll get them, I want the same dice!!!' I ended up Sevening-Out about four rolls later, unfortunately.
I ended up going +$25 on my Fire Bet, I was +$20 on my Point of Nine, +$25 on my Point of Four, -$10 on Craps Numbers, +$17 on my Point of Six, +$25 on my other Point of Four, I Placed Six to Win at some point in the Interim and hit that and took it down so +$7, then +$17 on my Point of Eight. I was -$15 on the Point of Five that I established, and I may (SSSHHHHH!!!!!) have lost $4 on Any Craps Bets on CO's after I had thrown that Midnight & Snake Eyes back-to-back.
Overall, I would have been +$107 (or so) and would have had $212 in Chips, except I made Five $2.00 PL Bets for the dealers (One of them lost on that Midnight) and Taken $4.00 Odds on the Four that survived the CO (all of which won), so -$26 and also -$4 on Any Craps bets made for the Boys, so I was +$77 with $182 in chips. The Dealers ended up being about +$60, I think on that session.
The Pit Boss came by and announced, 'Okay, the next shooter is the last tonight!' Nick decided he wanted to shoot again, Established Nine, Sevened-Out so I lost $5.00 on that, I then tipped the Dealers my off two Whites. +$2 Dealers.
I ended up being $175 in Chips, so +$130 on all my play, which included tokes. The Dealers (including Three-Card Poker) ended up being +$119 between winning bets and straight tokes, so that always feels pretty good to be able to do that. I will say that while the property may have some other imperfections, Wheeling Island Hotel, Casino, Racetrack does have some excellent dealers.
I tipped $5 when I cashed in my chips, and then as I was walking by the Roulette Table and the Croupier was doing whatever you do to close a Roulette Table for the night, I remembered that I didn't tip her and tossed her a $5.00 bill. I ended up +$120 on my play and the Dealers were then +$124 in bets and straight tokes along with +$5.00 for the cage.
Great times!
I then switched to Video Keno and hit it for a bunch of small wins that added up to another +$120, then I stuck $20 in a Quick Hits Platinum Machine, lost, stuck in another $20 and ended up +$130, overall, mostly due to the result of two pretty good sets of Free Games. I quit after hitting the 5QH Progressive for $26.xx because it was that and 7QH (mostly) that had that machine in positive territory.
I went back to Cleopatra Keno and doubled a $20.00 bill into $40.00. I ticketed out and stuck the $20 in my wallet and put the original $20 back in and lost it, so all done.
Ultimately, +$370 for the night (after tokes) and it would have probably been nearly $500 if I hadn't toked anything, but there's nothing better at the Tables than winning the boys money. Trust me, your tokes will be appreciated at Wheeling Island more than anywhere else I have ever been.
EDIT: I originally typed +415 for the night instead of +370, that's because I forgot to subtract (rather, accidentally added) my initial buy-in at the Tables, still a great night!

I've been getting killed at the tables and need some happy stories to inspire me.

Maybe you need some more unhappy stories to inspire you to take a break, lol

Great Craps Rolls Recipes

I just got off of a killer roll last night between 1:10a.m. and 2:40 a.m. at Wheeling Island Hotel Casino and Racetrack. I've been gambling less to protect cash because I want to pay mostly cash for my wife's college-related stuff, so I only bought in for $45 and here's what happened:
My first session went fair, but nothing too special. I was betting $5 on the PL with 2x Odds because that is the most Odds they allow. I may or may not have been betting $1.00 on the Fire Bet...don't tell The Wiz!!!
Come-Out Roll Set: 3-4
Point Established Set: Hard-Six
In any event, I established a point of four on my very first roll and made the point about five rolls later, I hit nothing but point numbers during this time. The next Come Out roll saw me establishing a point of eight which I took Odds on and made three rolls later. The following roll saw me establish a point of six which I made approximately ten rolls later. After that, I threw a Craps Three on the CO, and then established a point of Six, but sevened-out about fifteen rolls later.
In total, I went +$25, +$17, +$17, -$5, -$15 for a net gain of +$39. I made two PL Dealer Bets of $2 each during this time, and the Dealers won on both of those, so they were +$8.
I now had $80 in chips and decided to play Three-Card Poker because, I don't know why. I sat at first base and was kind of trying to hole-card, but either the dealer was pretty good or I have no goddamn idea how to hole-card, could be both. In any event, I was betting $5 on the Ante and got dealt A-K-x on my first hand, but the dealer beat me with a pair. The following hand, I got dealt K-Q-6, but the dealer (again) beat me with a pair. I was down to $60 in chips and a little bit irritated, but then I had hands good enough to play three times in a row, but the dealer never qualified, so I was back up to $75. I then played another hand in which I had K-Q-x, but the dealer beat me with an Ace.
At that point, I was back to $65 in Chips, and so I decided that Three Card Poker sucks and tipped the dealer $5.00 and quit playing. I now had $60 in chips.
I went back to the Craps Table thinking that I might still have a little left in the old hand, besides, Roulette was full and that's what I really wanted to play. This session could have been something special, but it wasn't to be. There was a guy about my age named Nick shooting with me and he had already established/made a point into the Fire Bet, but wasn't on it. He decided to Pass the Dice over to me.
By the way, at Wheeling Island, you're allowed to play the Fire Bet and nothing else if you like. I did that during one of Nick's rolls because I wanted to go get a cup of coffee, but that's the third Craps session...
Back to the second.
In my second Craps Session, I played PL with the 2x Odds again and established a point of Nine which was made almost immediately. I then established and made three more points (so it would have been a five point Fire Bet), but Nick didn't have the fire bet going when he starting shooting. Bummer. In fact, I established and made every point that Nick didn't except for Five and he had made Four.
After that happened, I established a point of six again, but sevened-out after about fifteen rolls.
I ended up +34 between my points of 6+8, then I ended up +$20 on my point of 9, and +$25 on my point of 10. That was a total of +$79, except I threw three Come Out losers at various times (Midnight, Snake Eyes, Three) and one Come Out Winner (Yo') for -$10 there. I also made four $2 PL Dealer Bets with 2x Odds so that was -$24. Overall, I ended up +$45 during this time. The Dealers won three of them, so I want to say they were about +$39.
Nick then proceeded to fire off two Seven-Winners in a row, then he established and made two points, then established the Six again and Sevened-Out. I ended up +$15 during this time because I wasn't Taking the Odds when Nick was shooting. I apologized to him, but stated that I only Take the Odds when I am shooting. I was now +$60 during my second session.
I got the dice again and threw two Seven-Winners. I followed that up by establishing and missing Eight, but the Craps Gods had smiled upon me as I had forgotten to put my Odds Bet out there. I tossed the Dealers the Red from one of the Seven-Winners and said, 'For the boys.' I now had $120 in chips.
I had quit the second time because there was space at the Roulette Table, it went from full down to three people out of nowhere. I asked for Twenty White and proceeded to play each corner of Black-29 as well as a Straight Bet on Black-29. I lost three in a row and must have been really pissed off because I forgot to tip the Croupier and went back to Craps. I now had $105 in chips.
I don't know what happened in the brief time I was playing Roulette, but a despondent Nick had clearly taken a beating, though he said my exclaimations and attitude really brought his spirits up. I don't care about the small sums of money involved in Craps, I just like to win on principle alone, so I get pretty vocal.
In any event, I Placed Nick's Point to Win, but I don't remember what it was or how much I won, so I'm not going to include that, besides that, after that happened I asked for the Placed Money back as well as the Win, then I put $5 on a PL bet and Nick threw Snake Eyes, then established and missed a point, so all of that pretty much negated.
I then went on the hand of my life for the second time this year. I made my $1 Fire Bet and my $5 PL Bet. I started out pretty well establishing a Point of Nine and making it in about Seven rolls. I then established and made a Point of Four in about another Ten rolls. I then threw Midnight followed by Snake Eyes, so I lost on those rolls. I then established and made a Point of Six in twenty rolls (I remember that one) and hit about fifteen Point Numbers in the process. The Dealers kept trying to encourage Nick to make a few Place Bets with what he had left. After that, I established a Point of Four again (ugh!) but I made it within eight rolls!!! I then established a Point of Eight and made it within a few rolls. WINNING FIRE BET-FOUR POINTS!!!
I then established a Point of Five, (which would have been the Fifth Point of the Fire Bet) and I must've gotten pretty excited because I tossed both of the dice over the Table. 'Same dice, same dice, same dice!!!', I called out, 'I'll get them, I want the same dice!!!' I ended up Sevening-Out about four rolls later, unfortunately.
I ended up going +$25 on my Fire Bet, I was +$20 on my Point of Nine, +$25 on my Point of Four, -$10 on Craps Numbers, +$17 on my Point of Six, +$25 on my other Point of Four, I Placed Six to Win at some point in the Interim and hit that and took it down so +$7, then +$17 on my Point of Eight. I was -$15 on the Point of Five that I established, and I may (SSSHHHHH!!!!!) have lost $4 on Any Craps Bets on CO's after I had thrown that Midnight & Snake Eyes back-to-back.
Overall, I would have been +$107 (or so) and would have had $212 in Chips, except I made Five $2.00 PL Bets for the dealers (One of them lost on that Midnight) and Taken $4.00 Odds on the Four that survived the CO (all of which won), so -$26 and also -$4 on Any Craps bets made for the Boys, so I was +$77 with $182 in chips. The Dealers ended up being about +$60, I think on that session.
The Pit Boss came by and announced, 'Okay, the next shooter is the last tonight!' Nick decided he wanted to shoot again, Established Nine, Sevened-Out so I lost $5.00 on that, I then tipped the Dealers my off two Whites. +$2 Dealers.
I ended up being $175 in Chips, so +$130 on all my play, which included tokes. The Dealers (including Three-Card Poker) ended up being +$119 between winning bets and straight tokes, so that always feels pretty good to be able to do that. I will say that while the property may have some other imperfections, Wheeling Island Hotel, Casino, Racetrack does have some excellent dealers.
I tipped $5 when I cashed in my chips, and then as I was walking by the Roulette Table and the Croupier was doing whatever you do to close a Roulette Table for the night, I remembered that I didn't tip her and tossed her a $5.00 bill. I ended up +$120 on my play and the Dealers were then +$124 in bets and straight tokes along with +$5.00 for the cage.
Great times!
I then switched to Video Keno and hit it for a bunch of small wins that added up to another +$120, then I stuck $20 in a Quick Hits Platinum Machine, lost, stuck in another $20 and ended up +$130, overall, mostly due to the result of two pretty good sets of Free Games. I quit after hitting the 5QH Progressive for $26.xx because it was that and 7QH (mostly) that had that machine in positive territory.
I went back to Cleopatra Keno and doubled a $20.00 bill into $40.00. I ticketed out and stuck the $20 in my wallet and put the original $20 back in and lost it, so all done.
Ultimately, +$370 for the night (after tokes) and it would have probably been nearly $500 if I hadn't toked anything, but there's nothing better at the Tables than winning the boys money. Trust me, your tokes will be appreciated at Wheeling Island more than anywhere else I have ever been.
EDIT: I originally typed +415 for the night instead of +370, that's because I forgot to subtract (rather, accidentally added) my initial buy-in at the Tables, still a great night!

I love living my craps fantasizes thru someone elses reviews. Nice.
Much of a trip to Wheeling? Anything more local on the way?
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!” She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
' I love living my craps fantasizes thru someone elses reviews. Nice. '
Easier on the wallet too !
Shed not for her the bitter tear Nor give the heart to vain regret Tis but the casket that lies here, The gem that filled it Sparkles yet

Much of a trip to Wheeling? Anything more local on the way?

It doesn't get any more local for me, I don't want to get too specific on my location, but it is easily the closest casino to me.
Vultures can't be choosers.