Pocket Planes Plane Slots

Pocket planes plane slots 777

Pocket Planes Wiki

The Navigator is a propeller plane with two slots, and is given to the player at the start of the game as the -C variant. It is one of the best starter planes, due to its high speed and slots, but is outclassed by the Airvan later on. The Navigator seems to have no 100% accurate real life.

Jobs in Pocket Planes In Pocket Planes, a plane in an airport can choose passengers and cargo to take to other airports. For each passenger and cargo you deliver, you get paid coins. May 10, 2015 - Explore Liv G's board 'Pocket planes', followed by 138 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Pocket planes, Airline management, Pocket.

SlotsElectromagnetic Compatibility Consulting and Training

Pocket Planes Max Plane Slots

The most important thing that I can say about slots in ground planes,is don't have them! If you do have slots, no tracescan cross over them. If a trace does cross over the slot askyourselfthis question: Where is the return path for the current? Remember the fundamental principal of EMC, 'return currents locallyand compactly, through the smallest loop area possible.' Ifeveryonewould follow this principal, a great many of our EMC problem would goawayor at least be minimized.
Thelowest impedance signal return path is in a plane directly under thesignaltrace. Slots in ground planes divert the ground current flow(see figure), thereby producing a high ground impedance (Inductance)anda ground plane voltage drop that is the cause of increased emissionsfromthe cables connected to the board. In addition, ground planeslotswill significantly increase the crosstalk between traces thatcrossover them, and the larger loops formed by the return current paths willradiate.

The table below shows measured values of ground plane voltage withandwithout a slot in the ground plane. The voltage measurements weremade between two point on the ground plane one inch apart and directlyunderneath the trace. The slot was cut perpendicular to thedirectionof current flow, as shown in the figure, and half way between themeasuringpoints. The entry under 'holes' represents a linear pattern offifteenholes each 0.052' in diameter (oriented perpendicular to current flow)covering a linear distance of one inch. This isrepresentativeof an array of holes for vias or thru-hole component leads. Thevoltagemeasurements were made with a 10 MHz, 3 nS rise time clock signalflowingdown the trace and returning in the ground plane. As can be seenthe array of holes did not increase the ground plane voltage, but theslotdid increase the voltage by a factor of as much as five in the case ofthe 1 1/2' slot.

Finding these problems, after-the-fact, on a buried ground planethatcannot be seen is a difficult and time consuming problem. Thereis,however, a very simple way to initially check the quality of the groundplane. When you have printed circuit boards made, ask to have oneset etched but not laminated. That way, you can look at theunlaminatedground plane and see if there are problems very quickly. It wouldbe a good practice todo this with all new designs.

Pocket Planes Tips

Length of Slot
Ground Plane Voltage
0 inches
15 mV
1/4 inch
20 mV
1/2 inch
26 mV
1 inch
49 mV
1 1/2 inches
75 mV
15 mV

Pocket Planes Plane Slots Free Online Games

© 2001/2000 Henry W. Ott

Pocket Planes Plane Slots

Pocket Planes Game

Henry Ott Consultants48 Baker Road Livingston, NJ 07039Phone: 973-992-1793, FAX: 973-533-1442

Pocket Planes Plane Slots 777

July 16, 2002